LifSound System in Anwendung

Musicians at a grand piano and a harpsichord can make it happen: By involving the lid of the piano in making the sound, a new standard will be achieved.

The LifSound Set Optimal system can easily be positioned when opening the grand piano or the harpsichord (see video and photos). The weight of the lid will guarantee a safe position. What earlier sounded flat, sharp or loud when playing the piano or sounded shrill or dull at the harpsichord now seems to have a warm sound that fills the room and is recognizably three-dimensional. To be able to experience this change in sound with yout own instrument is sensational and lets you discover a new form of music


Dominating and annoying overtone resonances will be lessened by supporting the fundamental tone. The tuning of the sound and the intonation will have a new practical and economic standard with LifSound Set Optimal.

By watching the video or listening to the audio samples be convinced of the change in the quality of the sound. Enthusiastic users of the LifSound System recommend the cover ‘membrane bridge‘ for grand pianos and harpsichords. Let it be profession or hobby, in a concert hall or a church, everyone who plays a piano, grand piano or harpsichord can profit from the LifSound System. We want everyone to use this system for themselves. The handling is simple, and the price for this gain in sound affordable.

You can order this LifSound Set Optimal on this page.

We tried LifSound with 3 different grand pianos. With all of them, the sound became significantly more harmonious, more differentiated and more transparent in the bass. As if freed from ballast!
Gerald Drebes ©Lilo Tadday
Gerald Drebes
Inselkantor Helgoland
It is fascinating how easy it is to achieve a balanced sound spectrum on my harpsichord and on every harpsichord using the LifSound Set Optimal. In chamber music I feel surrounded by the sound. If possible, I no longer play without the LifSound Set Optimal, because after many years of searching for sound balance, brilliance and beauty of sound, it allows me to experience these qualities.
Dr. Esther Morales-Cánadas
An ingenious and simple means of optimizing the sound for all grand pianos! The entire grand piano cover is now included in the resonance, so that, among other things, the valuable fundamental frequencies are amplified more. That makes a big difference, it's easily noticeable. The sound gains in warmth and purity, and the player can modulate it even better. The patented system is also not tied to your own instrument, you can use it to refine the sound of any grand piano you want to play on in no time at all. My recommendation, definitely try it!
Jens-Joachim Muth,
Philharmonisches Staatsorchester Hamburg
Searching is a key term for anything art related. Instead of letting the comfort tempt you to leave everything "as is", Knut-Michael Senftleben strives to further research and refine the sound of the piano and uses the natural resonances of the instrument with his sound bridge. As a result, a clear difference was recorded during a demo CD recording, which could now be documented.
Stanislas Kim & Marie Rosa Günter
Cellist & Pianistin
After several months of extensive testing of Knut Senftleben's invention "Lifsound Set Optimal" to improve the sound of upright and grand pianos and harpsichords on various instruments, I am convinced of the effectiveness of the silicone balls. The app improves the sound significantly. After extensive tests, I recommend the purchase and regular use of Senftlebens Lifound silicone balls. The improved sound and its greater transparency expand the possibilities of expression on the grand piano. This is a fundamental property. I will therefore continue to use Lifound regularly on my instruments and in concert. Many thanks to the inventor for this simple and effective improvement!
Martin Brockmann
The sound is softer, more even and fuller.
Hans Hornung

With LifSound, the sound is warmer, more multi-faceted and more permeable.

Gudula Senftleben
Pianistin und Klavierlehrerin

Find out more about the product and how to use it on the following pages, contact us or order directly:

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